Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Walking Dead Comic

Guest post wrote by Joe McClain

I am pretty sure that until now I had not read a comic since I was 12 or 13. I got really into sports around that time and that kind of took up most of my time then. But I surprised myself the other day when I decided to order The Walking Dead comics because I enjoy the show so much.

I did not catch the zombie drama when it was on for the first time on AMC starting on Halloween, but instead I caught a marathon of it over a few nights about a week or so ago. I randomly started watching and just got lucky by starting during the first episode. I was definitely hooked. I went online to comics and when I was doing that I came across a CLEAR WIRELESS INTERNET online offer that sounded so great that I decided to sign up  while I had the chance.

I have not gotten any of the comics yet, but I am pretty excited to see how they compare to the show and if the marital drama in the show happens in them too.

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