I was lucky that Santa gave me doll for Christmas not only one but two. I want to say thank you to Santa for my two beautiful dolls. I promise that I will take good care of them. My Mommy is very happy that I love to play with my dolls. She said that when she was a little girl, she only had one doll. She is very happy that I do not have to experience playing with one doll.

I also received matching dresses for me and my doll. This dress that I wore in this picture is not the one that I received from Santa this Christmas. I got this dress but now I am very happy that finally I can wear same dress with my doll. I have seven dresses and pajamas that my dolls and I match. They are very expensive that is why my Mommy only buys when they are on sale. They are from Dollie and Me brand.

Do you have a little girl? Does she like to play with her doll too? My Mommy wants to link this entry to
Wednesday Whites. My Mommy wants to say thank you to Mommy Raya for hosting.
oh wow! matching dresses for dolls and girls! i don't have little girls with me, but are there matching get ups for boys too?? hehehe... was here for WW mommy Jess!
I'm so confuse, sino ba sa kanila ang doll? bothlook so lovely.
awwwwww...you are so pretty K! that is really neat to have a matching outfit with your doll...I might have to get a pair for Akesha...she got a doll for Christmas.
That is so cute, matching dress with your doll is charming!
Beautiful dress for K and the doll Momi Jess! I know they're expensive, that's why I am thankful that Triz is not into dolls at all! Lol.
awww so adorable and makes me wish I had a daughter too to dress up! she looks so pretty and their matching outfit is cool! kisses to the pretty girl :)
Awww so cute mommy Jess!! Love it! Your little princess is so pretty, as always!
Lovely girl and lovely doll. You're mom is so sweet to buy the matching dress.
pretty K! papaleng's so funny, hahaha. it's confusing, really. both look so lovely! but of course K is so much lovelier than the doll.
They are both adorable! I love the matching dresses. I am planning on getting Selby and big doll so I can make dresses for the doll as well. :)
Which one is the doll, which one is the girl? :) Both are pretty :) Thanks for the visit. Happy new year!!
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